Emergency Management

Iron County Emergency Management is responsible for planning and coordinating actions to mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover from natural or man-made disasters in Iron County.

The goal of emergency management is to reduce the loss of life and property; minimize suffering and the disruption caused by disasters; prepare the County to address the possible consequences of terrorism; and serve as the County’s portal for emergency management information and expertise.

In times of emergency or disaster, Iron County Emergency Management coordinates, through the Emergency Operations Center, the response of county agencies ensuring the most appropriate resources are dispatched to the impacted area.

Emergency Management works with local governments, volunteer organizations and the private sector across Iron County to develop disaster preparedness plans and mitigation projects, develop and maintain an ongoing training and exercise program for responders as well as provide information and training for citizens through CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), schools, businesses, non-profits, community events, and faith-based organizations. We work closely with the other counties within the southwest region as well as the State of Utah to strengthen our capabilities to create a resilient community that can quickly recover from the impacts of any emergency or disaster that may come our way.

The Emergency Operations Plan and the attending Emergency Support Functions describe the basic strategies, assumptions and mechanisms through which the departments/agencies within Iron County will mobilize resources and conduct activities to guide and support local emergency management efforts through response and recovery. No perfect response plan or system is implied by this document, and this plan is not intended to limit or restrict initiative, judgment, or independent action(s) required to provide appropriate and effective emergency and disaster mitigation, preparation, response and recovery. Please follow the link to the Emergency Operations Plan to view the full document.

    Iron County Event Center

Hours and Contact

  • George Colson, Emergency Management
  • 1302 Kitty Hawk Dr, Cedar City, UT 84721
  • Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M
  • (435) 267-1740

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